Saturday, September 27, 2008

Some subject matter...

I’ve given it a lot of thought in terms of what to draw/paint this semester. I wanted to work on something that is architecture related (go figure), but really put a lot of emphasis on lighting, mood, and composition. Heck, while we’re at it let’s dramatize all of the above. Also, I want to hone my drawing abilities, as I realize this is becoming a lost skill in the architectural profession. Might as well make the most of my spare time.

Something that struck me as interesting was the lost masterpiece of Penn Station. I came across some old photographs that clearly define what I want to do this semester. These photos do shed some light on architectural photography at its finest. The architecture also seems to have a little fantasy(surrealness?) to them. Shouldn’t there at least be a little fantasy in all architecture? I think fantasy architecture definitely has a place in our profession.

Sketches to follow....

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